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Suffolk County Womens Bowls Association

Competition Draws and Results.


4 Wood

Area A

Preliminaryby 11th May 2024
AR. SwarbrickAldE.PeckWen3 - 21
BC. BromleyCheS. S. ColeBlun21 - 14
CF. BiggsCheS. RochardBlun13 - 21
DI. BellWenJ. FilbyThu0 - 1
EL. DyerBlunD. ClarkThu21 - 4
FS. WoodsAldK. BetteridgeChe19 - 21
GG. MarwoodThuA. OliverBec0 - 1
HA. oLearyThuJ. SquireHales8 - 21
Round 1by 25th May 2024
1G. LampreyLRM. McGeeLR14 - 21
2B. RoseCheL. DyerBlun15 - 21
3C. BromleyCheS. RochardBlun0 - 1
4J. SquireHalesM. BeckLR21 - 11
5J. FilbyThuK. BetteridgeChe21 - 5
6A. OliverBecL. GeorgeLR21 - 1
7A. ChambersCheP. AndersonLR0 - 1
8E.PeckWenG. HartBlun21 - 2
Round 2by 8th June 2024
AJ. FilbyThuS. RochardBlun21 - 4
BA. OliverBecM. McGeeLR17 - 21
CJ. SquireHalesE.PeckWen20 - 21
DP. AndersonLRL. DyerBlun21 - 20
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
1M. McGeeLRJ. FilbyThu21 - 10
2P. AndersonLRE.PeckWen18 - 21
Finalat WenhastenBowls Club on 29th June 2024
AM. McGeeLRE.PeckWen11 - 21

Area B

Preliminaryby 19th May 2024
AJ. WhitlockOtE. AldredFram C18 - 21
BV. WrightYoxC. AndersonMart0 - 1
CM. GillamMelL. WoodFres1 - 0
Round 1by 2nd June 2024
1C. AndersonMartV. WilkinsonSWH1 - 0
2S. SmithLTNK. SmithWald11 - 21
3V. ClarkAldM. GillamMel0 - 1
4E. AldredFram CK. ParkerDen21 - 19
Semi-Finalby 16th June 2024
AE. AldredFram CM. GillamMel21 - 5
BK. SmithWaldC. AndersonMart21 - 12
Finalat Waldringfield Bowls Club on 29th June 2024
1K. SmithWaldE. AldredFram C22 - 10

Area C

Preliminaryby 26th May 2024
AD. FaneWestM. BrooksCali21 - 15
BE. EustonNorbD. AllumCali17 - 21
Round 1by 9th June 2024
1D. FaneWestS. CollardF & S14 - 21
2D. AllumCaliJ. ClementsStone7 - 21
3S. FisherSprouA. DickinsonBran21 - 19
4D. MillsStoneS. StoneBran21 - 16
Semi-Finalby 23rd June 2024
AS. CollardF & SS. FisherSprou23 - 16
BD. MillsStoneJ. ClementsStone21 - 18
Finalat Ipswich Bowls Club on 30th June 2024
1S. CollardF & SD. MillsStone0 - 0

Area D

Round 1by 26th May 2024
AC. PybusRookV. LawrenceB. of E.21 - 20
BP. SeaforthW.R.S. PlummberRook21 - 17
CT. JohnsonB. of E.A. LilleyIx20 - 21
DJ. MurrayElms FP. WrightBran21 - 16
ES. DeevesO.N.F. CadmanRook11 - 21
FA. MondonO.N.J. MouldsSt.Ed19 - 21
GC. ColemanStanA. BaisonRook21 - 17
HC. WhittonGt.BK. LingB. of E.21 - 0
Round 2by 9th June 2024
1C. WhittonGt.BC. ColemanStan11 - 21
2F. CadmanRookJ. MurrayElms F20 - 21
3P. SeaforthW.R.A. LilleyIx21 - 16
4C. PybusRookJ. MouldsSt.Ed12 - 21
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
AC. ColemanStanJ. MouldsSt.Ed21 - 6
BJ. MurrayElms FP. SeaforthW.R.17 - 21
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1C. ColemanStanP. SeaforthW.R.0 - 0
