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Suffolk County Womens Bowls Association

Competition Draws and Results.


2 Wood

Area D

Preliminaryby 26th May 2024
AP. SeaforthW.R.C. PybusRook18 - 21
BA. MondonO.N.P. WrightBran1 - 0
CV. LawrenceB. of E.M. LeederO.N.21 - 11
DS. DeevesO.N.C. WhittonGr. B21 - 10
EC. ColemanStanC. AldousThorn17 - 21
FJ. LambertRookT. JohnsonB. of E.0 - 1
GA. LilleyIxM. ThorpeThorn21 - 18
Round 1by 9th June 2024
1A. MondonO.N.V. LawrenceB. of E.21 - 16
2C. AldousThornT. JohnsonB. of E.12 - 21
3S. DeevesO.N.A. LilleyIx15 - 21
4A. BaisonRookC. PybusRook11 - 21
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
AA. MondonO.N.T. JohnsonB. of E.21 - 8
BC. PybusRookA. LilleyIx14 - 21
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1A. MondonO.N.A. LilleyIx0 - 0

4 Wood

Area D

Round 1by 26th May 2024
AC. PybusRookV. LawrenceB. of E.21 - 20
BP. SeaforthW.R.S. PlummberRook21 - 17
CT. JohnsonB. of E.A. LilleyIx20 - 21
DJ. MurrayElms FP. WrightBran21 - 16
ES. DeevesO.N.F. CadmanRook11 - 21
FA. MondonO.N.J. MouldsSt.Ed19 - 21
GC. ColemanStanA. BaisonRook21 - 17
HC. WhittonGt.BK. LingB. of E.21 - 0
Round 2by 9th June 2024
1C. WhittonGt.BC. ColemanStan11 - 21
2F. CadmanRookJ. MurrayElms F20 - 21
3P. SeaforthW.R.A. LilleyIx21 - 16
4C. PybusRookJ. MouldsSt.Ed12 - 21
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
AC. ColemanStanJ. MouldsSt.Ed21 - 6
BJ. MurrayElms FP. SeaforthW.R.17 - 21
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1C. ColemanStanP. SeaforthW.R.0 - 0


Area D

Preliminaryby 26th May 2024
AA. BaisonRookA. MondonO.N.13 - 21
BS. DeevesO.N.A. LilleyIx17 - 21
CP. SeaforthW.R.F. CadmanRook13 - 21
DC. PybusRookC. AldousThorn21 - 12
EP. WrightBranC. WhittonGr. B21 - 10
Round 1by 9th June 2024
1A. MondonO.N.C. PybusRook1 - 0
2P. WrightBranD. CoppingStow13 - 21
3F. CadmanRookG. SaundersR.gate21 - 16
4J. MurraySt.EdA. LilleyIx7 - 21
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
AD. CoppingStowA. LilleyIx21 - 15
BF. CadmanRookA. MondonO.N.10 - 21
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1D. CoppingStowA. MondonO.N.0 - 0


Area D

Semi-Finalby 20th June 2024
AP. LastBacC. PybusRook16 - 21
BG. SaundersR.gateS. DeevesO.N.9 - 21
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1C. PybusRookS. DeevesO.N.0 - 0


Area D

Preliminaryby 26th May 2024
AK. DayW.R.A. BaisonRook19 - 10
BG. SaundersR.gateS. Bard-BodekB. of E.13 - 18
CC. PybusRookS. DeevesO.N.0 - 1
DH. SalmonO.N.T. JohnsonB. of E.15 - 19
EN. LeederO.N.D. PrykeRook26 - 2
FA. LilleyIxM. LummisTh.Magna13 - 24
GS. ChapmanThornC. AldousThorn16 - 17
Round 1by 9th June 2024
1K. DayW.R.T. JohnsonB. of E.15 - 20
2S. Bard-BodekB. of E.J. RonchettiStan1 - 0
3S. DeevesO.N.C. AldousThorn18 - 15
4N. LeederO.N.M. LummisTh.Magna6 - 29
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
AS. Bard-BodekB. of E.M. LummisTh.Magna18 - 8
BS. DeevesO.N.T. JohnsonB. of E.16 - 6
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1S. Bard-BodekB. of E.S. DeevesO.N.0 - 0

Senior Pairs

Area D

Preliminaryby 28th May 2024
AH. SalmonO.N.C. AldousThorn9 - 21
BG. SaundersR.gateJ. LambertRook9 - 22
CA. LilleyIxC. PybusRook15 - 23
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
1S. DeevesO.N.J. LambertRook13 - 15
2C. AldousThornC. PybusRook18 - 10
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
AJ. LambertRookC. AldousThorn0 - 0

2 Bowl Rinks

Area D

Preliminaryby 28th May 2024
AC. AldousThornT. JohnsonB. of E.2 - 17
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
1S. DeevesO.N.A. BaisonRook22 - 11
2J. RonchettiStanT. JohnsonB. of E.0 - 1
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
AS. DeevesO.N.T. JohnsonB. of E.0 - 0

3 Bowl Rinks

Area D

Preliminaryby 15th June 2024
AT. JohnsonB. of E.C. SaundersRook20 - 21
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1C. SaundersRookC. BarberRook0 - 0

Champion of Champions

Area D

Preliminaryby 26th May 2024
AM. ThorpeThornJ. MewisC.F.21 - 15
BJ. RoncettiStanL. FlackW.R.0 - 1
CT. WebbTh. MagnaS. Bard-BodekB. of E.21 - 18
DP. LastBacC. WalkerBran5 - 21
EC. WhittonGt.BB. StubbsSt.Bot21 - 5
FD. CoppingStowS. PlummerRook21 - 18
Round 1by 9th June 2024
1D. CoppingStowM. ThorpeThorn21 - 16
2L. FlackW.R.C. WhittonGt.B21 - 12
3T. WebbTh. MagnaC. WalkerBran21 - 14
4A. MondonO.N.A. LilleyIx12 - 21
Semi-Finalby 21st June 2024
AT. WebbTh. MagnaD. CoppingStow21 - 18
BL. FlackW.R.A. LilleyIx21 - 8
Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
1T. WebbTh. MagnaL. FlackW.R.0 - 0

Under 25

Area D

Finalat Thorndon BC on 30th June 2024
AM. Leeder O.N.1 - 0

Mixed Pairs

Area D

Preliminaryby 19th May 2024
AG RansomHOPK AshdownROOK0 - 0
BT OffordHPFM JamesIXW0 - 0
CP FristonCFS LeederON0 - 0
DG MouldsSTEDA PulfordROOK0 - 0
EJ WebbTMAGM LearTMAG0 - 0
FA FoulgerSTBOTL LeggettSTA0 - 0
GN StonemanTMAGS ParrinSTA0 - 0
HD BrownROOKS BaisonROOK0 - 0
IP SalmonONB BroughROOK0 - 0
JA ChineryOND AndrewsSTA0 - 0
Round 1by 16th June 2024
1S BrimelowHPFMi StannardTHORN0 - 0
2IB0 - 0
3AD0 - 0
4K HigginsCFG HayneTHORN0 - 0
5P BuggROOKF0 - 0
6JH0 - 0
7J AldousTHORNE0 - 0
8GC0 - 0
Round 2by 30th June 2024
A840 - 0
B120 - 0
C630 - 0
D750 - 0
Semi-Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 13th July 2024
1BA0 - 0
2DC0 - 0
Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 14th July 2024
A120 - 0

Mixed Rinks

Area D

Round 1by 9th June 2024
AT OffordHPFD CarterON0 - 0
BD BrownROOKL LeggettSTA0 - 0
CJ SewellSTAS LeederON0 - 0
DT DoddsBRANG HayneTHORN0 - 0
EA ChineryONP CuttingTMAG0 - 0
FN StonemanTMAGB BroughROOK0 - 0
GP CaleyGBTP SalmonON0 - 0
HJ SewellROOKD CattermoleTHORN0 - 0
Round 2by 30th June 2024
1CH0 - 0
2GA0 - 0
3EB0 - 0
4DF0 - 0
Semi-Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 13th July 2024
A410 - 0
B320 - 0
Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 14th July 2024
1AB0 - 0

Senior Mixed Pairs

Area D

Preliminaryby 9th June 2024
AA FoulgerSTBOTG WhittonGBT0 - 0
BB ThorpeTHORNK CrabbeTMAG0 - 0
CT DoddsBRANS BaisonROOK0 - 0
DI SamsCWSB BroughROOK0 - 0
ET WrightROOKP CuttingTMAG0 - 0
FP SmithIXWA ChineryON0 - 0
GT KempenSTAT OffordHPF0 - 0
Round 1by 30th June 2024
1K AshdownROOKF0 - 0
2CE0 - 0
3GD0 - 0
4AB0 - 0
Semi-Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 13th July 2024
A430 - 0
B210 - 0
Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 14th July 2024
1AB0 - 0

Open Under 25 Pairs

Area D

Finalat Stanton Bowls Club on 14th July 2024
AA CarterONC ClarkeSTA0 - 0